Porwą, zabiją, okradną itd? – mama ciągle się o Ciebie martwi, kiedy jesteś w podróży? Ten 30-latek ma na to sposób! Uśmiejesz się

Jonathan Kubben Quinonez – ten 30-latek z Belgii długo marzył o podróżach. W końcu postanowił rzucić wszystko, kupić bilet w jedną stronę i zacząć spełniać te marzenia! Jego mama, jak to każda mama, bardzo się o niego martwiła, więc znalazł świetny sposób, aby ją informować, że u niego jest wszystko w porządku. O młodym mężczyźnie napisała Martyna Wojciechowska na swoim fanpage’u na Fb. Historia jest bardzo ciekawa i warto brać przykład z takiego pozytywnego nastawienia do życia. Ale do rzeczy: Jonathan postanowił przekazywać wiadomość swojej mamie z każdego krańca świata, w którym aktualnie przebywa. Jak? Bardzo pomysłowo – za pomocą swoich zdjęć, w których przemyca napis Mom, I’m fine! Zazwyczaj jest to kartka z napisem, którą trzyma w rękach albo umieszcza gdzieś w pobliżu siebie. Czasem prosi o pomoc ludzi, których poznaje z podróży. Zdjęcia #momimfine, z różnych zakątków naszego pięknego świata oczywiście trafiają na jego Instagrama. Wybraliśmy kilka. Zresztą sam zobacz. Uśmiejesz się.

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

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I forgot to post this picture from Oktoberfest ?????? I got this traditional cake (it’s gingerbread not chocolate), and I thought that it was cool ?? I also wanted to tell you that I recently tried presets for the first time. For those who don’t know what they are, presets are photo filters that you download for an app (Lightroom).They allow you to edit photos on your phone and make them look a little more professional. (Swipe right to compare before and after) I got many DMs recently asking what I did for my last photos because they looked better and that’s thanks to these presets. I also managed to get a 20% discount code for you “Momimfine”. If you use the link in my bio, 20% of all sales will go directly to my project (the school made out of plastics). I will try to sell different things to reach that goal ❤❤ ?: @michaelmoretti w/ #canonbelgium #momimfine #oktoberfest #presets

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

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Up in the air! Who has ever gone hot air ballooning? This is what I like most about traveling: new experiences! This is why I would like to challenge my followers: if you want to live a crazy experience in Belgium, like skydiving, do an ULM flight or another activity. You just have to: – like this picture – tag the person you would like to do the activity with (here in the comments) – And answer this question: how many people voted for the hot air ballon flight (in my story)? The closest person wins! The 17/07: the winner will be announced. Good luck everyone! By the way, @milkywayblueyes, I know that you will be in Italy in a few days. It’s your turn! You can either do an aquatic activity or do an ULM flight ? Let your community decide! Thank you @butterflyballoons! #momimfine #MastercardSummerChallenge #StartSomethingPriceless #cappadocia #hotairballoon #ad

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

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Quick picture because I wanted to share two things with you: ⠀ 1) This beautiful view! (the water in this region is really like this). ⠀ 2) A little tip: My last flight was cancelled when leaving Europe. A lot of people don’t know it but thanks to the European Commission, you are entitled to receive a compensation fee up to 600 euros if: ⠀ – If your flight is within the EU – If your flight arrives in the EU and is operated by an EU airline – If your flight departs from the EU ⠀ To know more -> @eu4be To know all about the regulations, go to: www.europa.eu ⠀ I hope this information can be helpful to some of you ? ⠀ Would you like to get more tips? ⠀ #momimfine #eu4be #euandme #flights #riolagarto #mexico #drone

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

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English / Español One month has passed since my last picture. I haven’t been posting for 2 reasons: First, because I don’t want to be dependent on social media. After the humanitarian projects, I wanted to enjoy some quality time with my friends and family. The second reason is that I wanted to be prepared for 2018. I have big dreams and to accomplish them, I needed to work a lot on these projects. I am proud to tell you that I am ready to provide you with better content than ever. In the next weeks, I will start a YouTube channel called “Jonathan Kubben”, but it won’t be just about “Mom I’m fine”. People have asked me thousands of times about my life, work, experiences and travel. It’s time to show you the behind the scenes. It starts this month (link in bio) Thank you all for the support! ……………. Español Ha pasado un mes desde que publiqué mi última foto. Últimamente no he publicado por 2 razones: Primero, porque no quiero depender de las redes sociales. Luego de participar en proyectos humanitarios, quería disfrutar de un tiempo de calidad con mis amigos y familia. La segunda razón es que quiero prepararme para el 2018. Tengo grandes sueños y para lograrlos he tenido que trabajar mucho en estos proyectos. Me enorgullece contarles que estoy preparado para compartir con ustedes mejor contenido que nunca. En las próximas semanas empezaré a subir videos en mi nuevo canal de Youtube: „Jonathan Kubben” pero no se tratará solo de „Mom I’m fine”. Me han preguntado miles de veces sobre mis experiencias de vida, mi trabajo y mis viajes. Es hora de mostrarles el detrás de escena. Comienza este mes (link en bio) con subtitulos en español 🙂 Gracias a todos por su apoyo!

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

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SERIOUS TALK ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There is something that I didn’t tell you.. Over the last few months I wasn’t feeling totally comfortable with myself. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve been trying to reduce my CO2 footprint for our planet by: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ – Stopping to eat meat (even though I loved it) – Buying an electric scooter – Refusing to partner with some brands that are polluting too much – Creating a foundation that will build a school made out of plastic – Selling an ecological clothing line (even if it means earning less money) – etc. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ BUT STILL ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Because of work, I am traveling a lot and it is almost impossible to avoid flying. So, I was feeling guilty… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The good news is that I finally found a good thing that makes me feel better! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It’s an NGO that calculates how many tons of CO2 you emit and allows you to pay to fix it by planting trees! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I am not as ecological as I would like to be YET. But today, I promise you that for every mile that I will be flying, I will pay to fix it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I also strongly encourage my friends to do the same. I know that among my followers there are a lot of travelers, please be more caring. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here is the website: www.climatecare.org > individual services > carbon ofsetting (Not sponsored) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Let me know what you think in the comments! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ With all my love, Jonathan ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #momimfine #itsmorefuninthephilippines #ecology #coron

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

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This week I was invited to be part of a unique experience in the desert of the Empty Quarter. For a few days, I had the chance to be part of a 26-day trek. ::: 80 participants of 21 different nationalities are crossing the desert on camels’ back, it’s the second time that this desert crossing is done in more than 90 years! ::: The conditions are very hard, some participants give up during the journey, but the experience is incredible! ::: What do you think the guy was telling me to make me laugh like this? The comment with the most likes, wins a Mom I’m Fine cap! ? ::: Thank you @rakayibksa for this experience! ?: @jns_prod ::: #momimfine #desert #EmptyQuarter #Camel #Jeep #sunset #smile #Rakayib #SaudiArabia #ركايب #السعودية

Post udostępniony przez Jonathan Kubben Quiñonez (@momimfine)

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

Mom, I’m fine

Kamila Olejarz
Kamila Olejarz
Kulturoznawca z dziennikarską pasją. Zajmuje się wideofilmowaniem. Z wielką pasją i nieukrywaną przyjemnością robi też zdjęcia . Ma niesforną cechę, która nie pozwala jej siedzieć w miejscu. Ciągle myśli o miejscach, jakie mogłaby zobaczyć na świecie. Chętnie bierze udział w różnych projektach artystycznych. Lubi spędzać aktywnie czas. A poza pracą tańczy salsę kubańską.

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